Title: Frequency of Children Diagnosed with Perinatal Hepatitis C, United States, 2018-2020
Authors: Suzanne M. Newton, Kate R. Woodworth, Daniel Chang, Lindsey Sizemore, Heather Wingate, Leah Pinckney, Anthony Osinski, Lauren Orkis, Bethany D. Reynolds, Cynthia Carpentieri, Umme-Aiman Halai, Caleb Lyu, Nicole Longcore, Nadia Thomas, Aprielle Wills, Amanda Akosa, Emily O’Malley Olsen, Lakshmi Panagiotakopoulos, Nicola D. Thompson, Suzanne M. Gilboa, and Van T. Tong
CEDEP Program: VH
Product type: publication
Conference, meeting, or publication accepted to: Emerging Infectious Diseases